Is it really normal to get banned for this in Valorant?
Honestly if i get banned for saying ‘fuck off’ to a cheater then this game is done for.

65 Replies
Lol so they get to hack and dont get consequences except for ban?
I get their people but they should also be bullied to change character
He doesn't make the rules
Never said i did i was just saying he said bullying builds character
very correct 👍
They need to be taught a lesson
Just because you ban them you dont think theyll find another way to hack the game?
They just need to change their sim card and they be let back to play
Its not fair like what
okay so you think banning a cheater wont do anything
Not exactly what i said but thats some of it
but saying ‘fuck you’ will cause them to reassess the morality of them cheating?
I said they should be punished more if thats possible
Who said that?
riot doesnt have the means to do anything else
Lol dont put words in my mouth
You just said my expectations are unrealistic meaning that you think i actually want someone to fight them
What did i say to say that they deserve to be hit on?
what? no
no way
Exactly so how am i being unrealistic?
doesnt know what ‘slap on the wrist’ means 💀💀
Isnt a slap still hitting?
So if i put my hands on you even a slap is that not still an assault?
I dont
Im not patrick
dont you know what figurative means?
What if someone is getting harassed in a game
Like for you id say your a female
What if someone said to go back to the kitchen
Wpuldnt you get mad snd say something back?
then you’re sexist? i dont get your point
Im saying that wouldnt you get mad
well it’s obviously different based on the situations-you cant necessarily compare them equally
That someone said someone is sexist
they’re different?
Still this is figurative not literal its and example
Of someone being sexist
okay you clearly have no grasp onto the definition of figurative so
in this specific situation
someone is being sexist
as opposed to someone cheating
Hold up im playing ow2
now if you curse them out while they’re cheating
it might induce a penalty for YOU
but thats unlikely in the case that they were sexist to you because they offended you and yeah
exactly how would they know you were against a cheater?
Ok, but it still makes you made my point
What if you slip up
slip up how?
And say something bad to the cheater
unless you innately say something extremely offensive
it’s unlikely you’ll receive any punishment regardless
this situation is fairly uncommon imo-usually i wouldnt see this happening a lot
So if you say duck you that’s highly offensive?

i see your point, ppl would def say that stuff to hackers in all chat idk why that’s bannable
If its obvious as hell
And the fact that they didnt even get banned at the end of the game is the most bullshit joke ive ever seen about this company
Welcome to Riot Games
do yall not understand?
okay, so even if someone is hacking, you cant be overly offensive to them otherwise you risk a ban
and it’s especially hard to detect cheaters, it isnt a one and done process like you might imagine
unlike chat, which can be easily filtered and interpret
only in certain situations would you not be banned for acting like this to someone else
but any claim that your ban is unwarranted because the other person was hacking and wasnt banned is bullshit. you’re not entitled to be able to break the rules just because someone’s hacking
and none of this is the fault of riot, they dont know what’s going on in your game at every secondly interval. you cant expect them to innately know who’s cheating or not, they have to go off of the information they have.
everyone knows this just funny that ppl say worse each game lmao
ok so youre saying that saying fuck off is bannable now?
what behaviour warranted
so called "toxicity"
honestly some of these riot defenders keep pulling out some of the shittiest excuses ever
on what world is "piss off" or "fuck off" offensive?
unless youre an actual softie
that needs mental help instead of playing games
I’ve said a lot worse but I only got a warning
yes you can get banned for that
its toxic
Looks like ur playing with those “I’ll report u kids”
yeah it starts with warning unless its slurs
use voice comms
A lot better
For Ban evasion
this is because you said it like 8 times