My Valorant account does not exist suddenly
Can anyone help? I wanted to play Valorant today, but it went to the login page, even tho i didnt sign out yesterday. I sent an email to Riot Games's acc recovery to my own email, but i got none. My username and password did not match any accounts on Riot. I hopped on my alt and tried to look up myself in my friends list, but my main wasn't there. When I tried to friend my main, (Biggy5Wan_YT#4045), it said "account does not exist"

30 Replies
u didnt get hacked right
i dont think so
damn idk then
this is some kind of mandela effect crap lol
pretty sure riot doesnt delete your account
but only bans it
but it would show
i could open riot games signed in
it wont
sign me in
the account
does not exist
for some reason
and i have skins on that acc
this is some kind of parallel universe kinda crap 🗿 , riot probably deleted your account by accident but i dont think thats ever gonna happen so idrk whats happening here
definitely got hacked
or maybe your account mistakenly got deleted
I deleted the account by accident my bad bro
thr no way it just despaired
but how
hscked wouldnt it still exist
mt acc dont exist
MAYBE THE HACKER CHANGED the account name and password
or deleted it him self
but it is 100% a hacker
howd they get it
they are hackers
no one knows how they do it
only the hackers know
honestly idk
contact riot
or raise a ticket
you have a yt channel
keep up the work
how tho
just use my alts for clipos/
contact riot support @Biggy5WanYT
my friend's acc got hacked once they helped him regain access to his acc

this happened to me too actually
I just submitted a ticket
i have 2fa on my account and all of a sudden i cant log in
@Biggy5WanYT if you have any updates let me know
i made a ticket while not signed in on the riot website
is that ok
ya ig
got acc back
the guy who stole it changed name and tag
and won 2 comp games
i expected him to like
match mvp 10 games
in ur picture it’s says 0505 and u said the accounts hashtag is 4045
so um may have put it in wrong