match mvp but +10 rr????

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109 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
match mvp but +10 rr??
asian thanos dog destroyer
Ur mmr is probably low Like low low
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
what is mmr
Kinito2y ago
its your ACTUAL rating, not bronze and shit, its a number that ranks you through the players, nobody has the same exact mmr, its like a leaderboard of all the players think of it that way
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
so im low ranked?
Kinito2y ago
You are ranked significantly below your visible rank So you're bronze 1, but your mmr is around the range of an iron 2 basically
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Deleted User2y ago
Kinito2y ago
if you keep performing like that however you will receive more rating also the game was pretty even that also contributes
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
ok so how to raise my mmr
Kinito2y ago
I just told you lol Performing like that
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
Kinito2y ago
Good performances
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
ye but i ace every round still low mmr
Kinito2y ago
send me your match history
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Deleted User2y ago
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2y ago
Kinito2y ago
Yeah the mmr system is fucked what even is that You should be gaining +30 every match that’s so dumb
Guim2y ago
what the hell -30 for a team mvp i think this game is racist
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i think os
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Deleted User2y ago
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Deleted User2y ago
everyone is peaked gold
Kinito2y ago
15k vp wtf
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
bro thats not the point
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Deleted User2y ago
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Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
like they all are iron but gold peaked showed in their banner and im a bronze peaked and i just gained 15rr 12rr*
spook2y ago
are some of ur games 5 stacks? if there is rank difference of over 300 elo in a 5stack theres a 25% rr reduction, win or lose
emily2y ago
no hes not in a party
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
duo w my friend ill just wait for another act and ill play placement game to get in higher division or ier tier
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
He probably tanked his mmr on purpose, or is playing on his friends account. A lot of ppl get boosted and abuse 5 stack to climb ranks.
eden cox
eden cox2y ago
you hjust dunked on a bunch of irons
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
his account was hardstuck bronze 1 and out of nowhere he started to pop off. Going from a 0,4-07kd/game to a 2kd+ while dropping 30 is kinda weird.
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Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
oh ye i stop playing that account for a long time and created a new account to practice my aim
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
So what’s your peak now ?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
lmao play again like jan
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
I mean on the other account, try to aim at the head, your hsr hovers hovers around 10% which is really low while dropping 20+ kills
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
ye i got a better aim now used to crouch spray alot started 1 tapping now
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Do u record your gameplay ?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
ye i mean clip i only clip ace/3k/4k
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Start recording some session and not just clips. If u want to improve more let high elo players do vod reviews
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
owh ok where to find high elo players
DARK2y ago
u prob 5 stacking with irons that’s why
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
no its duo i only play with my friend that kayo
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Deleted User2y ago
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Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
bruh 🗿
Tentic2y ago
thats just sad
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
ye olr iker ikr
wyvern17mo ago
it’s cuz ur duoing with someone with low mmr
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
hes bronze 1
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
solo q
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Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
team mvp -30 rr solo q match mvp +23 rr only
Shadows17mo ago
Riot does not think you deserve your rank Damn That sucks
emily17mo ago
you are probably playing against people with the lowest mmr possible who have still somehow retained b1
Shadows17mo ago
That won’t matter tho
emily17mo ago
why would it not matter
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Yea but Theyre not letting me raise my rank They all bronze1-2
emily17mo ago
mmr is seperate ranking system
Shadows17mo ago
For that u have to be consistently hitting the top of the charts in your games u don’t gotta mvp every game but u can’t be negative in half you games if you wanna increase ur mmr mmr is the rank that root thinks you deserve, if ur mmr is higher then ur current rank you gain lots of rr when u win and lose little when u lose. You can get a general idea what ur mmr based on the ranks of others in your game when ur solo queueing. If u mvp in a game and gain barely any rr riot doesn’t think you deserve your current rank That’s why u can see silvers (sometimes) when ur iron Either that silver has a extremely low mmr or u have a high one See ur a bronze 2 in an iron lobby with the only other bronze being ur duo that’s another reason u might not gain a lot, because ur in a game with people much lower ranked then you This could be because ur duo has low mmr or u do
emily17mo ago
why are you telling me
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Im keep cheering my team up But they all ask me why im not going in Like wtf i was peeking corner 💀 His mmr is lower than mine nvm can someone tell me how to raise my mmr fast as fuck
17mo ago
play rlly good every game
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
nvm im match mvp mostly sometimes team mvp and my mmr still low asf
17mo ago
gah damn then idk how lol from what ik playing good is what raises ur mmr
Shadows17mo ago
Oh I replied to the wrong msg… Then it’s cause your playing against players ur better then I would solo queue every now and then If ur mvp most of the time Ur mmr is prob higher then ur duos And because ur in games with people who have low mmr no matter how well you do u won’t earn a lot of rr
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Everyone match mvp only team mvp sometimes
emily17mo ago
solo q just dont queue with your bad duo
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
this game is so fucked
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17mo ago
+18 match mvp💀
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
finally promoted
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emily17mo ago
-5 rr wow you should be like s2 😭 😭
DARK17mo ago
for sure u playing with someone who’s like iron 1 and that makes u lose more rr and gain less rr also i think u playing probably for kills bc if u get 34 kills and they are actually kills and not kills in 5v1 when the enemy team is chilling bc they know they got the round and be trying to 360 knife u or maybe when they running a way from spike or stuff like that but they actually kills of u enter site for first of clutch rounds u shouldn’t lose at lest not this many games on my smurf account i can do an avg of 30kills by playing for winning and i got 70% win rate
Shadows17mo ago
Ur mmr is much higher then bronze lol either that or ur queueing with a iron 1 who’s mmr is of the charts on the low scale
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Hes b1 Nah I focus on spike also
Shadows17mo ago
Then his mmr is absolute shit
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Ye but he keep trying to one tap
Shadows17mo ago
U need to solo queue more
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
oh Ok
Shadows17mo ago
Only try to one tap if you can If u can’t do it then don’t try to in comp games only try to in unrated in comp it’s either u do it or u don’t
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Ye ik But he force himself to one tap Even in a close range fight
Shadows17mo ago
Then that’s his problem
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Shadows17mo ago
I would just solo queue or find someone else to queue with
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Oh But no one wants to play with me after knowing that im a bronze🗿
Shadows17mo ago
Cuz ur duo(I’m assuming) is kinda holding me back
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Even i solo q and not playing with hk@ him*
Shadows17mo ago
Find someone in one of ur solo queue games or find someone in here
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
no one wants to play with me over here lmfao
Shadows17mo ago
Rip lmao
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
RedZed17mo ago
you must have disconnected for a couple of rounds that leads to getting less rr when you win, sometimes even negative rr
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
? i dont even afk ingame
RedZed17mo ago
then you're probably getting boosted or having lucky games if your rank increases a lot in a short period of time you lose more rr and gain less rr because the game assumes you're getting boosted
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
bro check newest pic i sent instead of the oldest pic
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
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Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
oh nvm
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17mo ago
did u afk or something i got banned for 3 days for afking b4 lol
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
communication like wtf i only give infos in game
Chovel17mo ago
bro my mmr is weird
Chovel17mo ago
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Deleted User17mo ago
Chovel17mo ago
i am iron 1 and go to bronze 3- low silv
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
ur mmr is high
Chovel17mo ago
im preatty much iron 1 bc most of the time is iron 1-3 but still weirdly bad
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
hm idk
Chovel17mo ago
when i go to iron 2 lobby i lose but bronze-silv i win
Chovel17mo ago
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Chovel17mo ago
my lobby nah just kidding this is unrated
ringyoo17mo ago