I want to refund an upgraded skin that I've bought over 14 days ago and have used in game. I heard that I can refund a skin once only with a one time exception and I'm wondering if I can get my VP and Radianite back or not if I were to refund it. If I am able to, how long will it take?
29 Replies
Anyone? Please?
u can make a support ticket and if ur lucky u might get a full refund (vp & radianite)

I clicked araxys and it said 15 RP
I clicked refund and agreed to the one time thing
did I mess up..?
I've made the ticket anyway @wyvern._.

ye just wait out the ticket idk what happened with ur rp thing
idk if u can refund variants but it might’ve been that
there was other options there
such as xenohunter upgrade, Oni upgrade etc
I refunded araxys RP
and idk if I did something wrong lol
it was like this after I clicked refund btw
hmm ye I have no clue
ill just wait for the ticket
Did you click the refund button when it popped up?
yes but it was like 15rp 😬😬
it might take awhile for the refund to actually worked
yeah but I want the refund for the whole skin
I refunded one of my guns, and it took 30 minutes to an hour
and ulvrades
did you have to open a ticket?
I clicked the refund button
did you upgrade it and everything?
yes it was upgraded
well it's been about 40minutes
VP and RP the same etc
probably wont get it back
ive done it 3 times, all have been declined
if you get the exception, consider yourself lucky'
Usually wording of "if you cant thats ok" tends to make you get denied, generally have to be upfront and say, maybe not in this exact wording "give me a refund" and basically nothing else.
Yeah, in no way did I even give them an option. I straight up said, I want to refund said skin. I heard you had a one off exception policy. etc etc
Its either just luck of the type of support staff you get
Alot of it is wording
Companies will walk all over you if you give them the option.
Yeah...fairly confident in my wording.
Ive seen worse tickets get the refund.
Some of it comes down to what they deem acceptable as well. Typically you can finagle them into giving you a refund, but you just have to not be super nice to them about it. (not intentionally mean, just upfront). Although I would venture to say they look at play time with the items before doing things like that.
welp at least I tried
ill open another ticket and see what happens if it gets declined
I've never refunded I'm pretty sure they allow once only
How to Request a Refund | VALORANT Player Support
Wondering if you can get a refund on an item you purchased in VALORANT? Only unused in-game content and unused VP purchased within the last 14 days are eligible for a refund. In-game content counts...