No Ping For Valorant Servers
For some reason, a few of the valorant servers do not have a ping. How do I fix this? Whenever I select one of them, I always join different servers and get high ping.

21 Replies
if u beat me at chess i tell u fix
what is your user
i challenged you

you beat me
but can you help me still
Windows key+R then type cmd in box
type each command individually
netsh winsock reset
restart pc
ez fix
it isnt fixed
still not working
unlucky man go next
give val higher prio in task manager
that isnt working either
nothing you can do then
you just have bad internet connection
my internet is fine
define "fine"
do an internet speed test and paste it here

has the bad ping always been the case?
no it happened recently
Might just be server side then
give it a few days
Would you mind oppening command prompt again and doing
This will show you where the latency spike is coming from.I logged on today and it is fixed. I'm not sure how.