barely getting RR
So recently (since new act) I'm getting very low amount of RR in games, me (diamond 1) and my friends (plat 2 - asc 1) are queueing together a lot, the thing is that when I top frag and they bottom frag or preform worse than me, they still get more RR almost every time although we are the same rank and sometimes they are higher.
I'd like an explanation if there is one.
I forgot to add that we mostly play against higher ranks or same ranks as ours.
5 Replies
beacause enemies have higher mmr or rank so they get more rr for winning even if they perform worse ( if i'm wrong correct me i'm not an expert )
I think if i queue with higher rank doesn't it mean that I have higher MMR? or they got worse?
idk if the match making is based of mmr or rank
I doubt its based on rank
i think its rank average
but i'm not sure
but mmr is a facor anyways
Im just tired of performin well and getting 15 RR meanwhile my friend bottom frags and gets the same
For example, just finished this game

Got 22 RR with performance boost

This ones too...