C#3y ago

❔ Need help finding out what the error is in this script (I'm new so sorry if its an obvious fix)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private CharacterController controller;
private Vector3 playerVelocity;
private bool groundedPlayer;
private float playerSpeed = 2.0f;
private float jumpHeight = 1.0f;
private float gravityValue = -9.81f;

private void Start()
controller = gameObject.AddComponent<CharacterController>();

void Update()
groundedPlayer = controller.isGrounded;
if (groundedPlayer && playerVelocity.y < 0)
playerVelocity.y = 0f;

Vector3 move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
controller.Move(move * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed);

if (move != Vector3.zero)
gameObject.transform.forward = move;

// Changes the height position of the player..
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && groundedPlayer)
playerVelocity.y += Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -3.0f * gravityValue);

playerVelocity.y += gravityValue * Time.deltaTime;
controller.Move(playerVelocity * Time.deltaTime);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private CharacterController controller;
private Vector3 playerVelocity;
private bool groundedPlayer;
private float playerSpeed = 2.0f;
private float jumpHeight = 1.0f;
private float gravityValue = -9.81f;

private void Start()
controller = gameObject.AddComponent<CharacterController>();

void Update()
groundedPlayer = controller.isGrounded;
if (groundedPlayer && playerVelocity.y < 0)
playerVelocity.y = 0f;

Vector3 move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
controller.Move(move * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed);

if (move != Vector3.zero)
gameObject.transform.forward = move;

// Changes the height position of the player..
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && groundedPlayer)
playerVelocity.y += Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -3.0f * gravityValue);

playerVelocity.y += gravityValue * Time.deltaTime;
controller.Move(playerVelocity * Time.deltaTime);
3 Replies
rotor_3y ago
Try to pick apart the error and see if you can spot what's wrong - I'll help you. The error is path/to/your/class.cs(46,6) error CS1513 } expected So evidently there's a } missing at column 6 on line 46
polarsssOP3y ago
Accord3y ago
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