riot vanguard not starting?
i tried everything, but nothing worked... it still says it's not iniatlized or what. i did the thing in services, set to automatic, and all stuff, tried restarting again and again but nothing works can anyone help me
11 Replies
my gpu is GTX 1660 SUPER
idk if that is the problem
Delete the thing like go into your files and delete everything
Or try to uninstall and reinstall
This happened to me
Tried that too
Hit windows + r (it opens up run) type in services.msc and search for the service vgc and double left click on it, you can set it to manual (u have to start the service every time you start up ur pc) or set it to automatic. i'd say set it to automatic bc vgc only takes abt 18mb of memory and like no cpu until u start up valorant. but if u really need that 18mb set it to manual. Then where it says service status hit the start button. that should fix it

Then hit apply and exit out of everything. Hit windows + R again and type in msconfig and press enter, go to services tab up at the top and hit hide all microsoft services after that find vgc hit the check beside the vgc service. Hit apply then close out of everything, last restart your pc then ur finished. it took my 15 year old brain some time to find this out when it happened to me

You said you already did all of that, but just make sure. I don't think you went into msconfig right? If this doesn't work please dm me and i'll try to help you the best i can
But also try making sure if windows is fully updated. If you don't have the latest version of windows 10/11 it may be that. So just check that as well. When you go to check hit check for updates, sometimes windows doesn't say they have updates when they do. If your pc installs updates please restart your pc when they are done. Then try again on valorant.
Nah i didn't do msconfig i will try, thanks
Yeah also idk why windows says that there is a new update but when i try to update or smthing it just says an error code
for what?
windows update?
msconfig didn't work 😦

delete your entire valo folder and download valo again
delete vanguard
don't worry your data won't go
it is saved to the cloud
try it