Suddenly starting to lose all my games

Hi everyone! I started playing val about 9 months ago, and started out in bronze 1. From there I mostly solo queued my way up to Plat 1 over those 9 months. Now after the rank reset, I got placed in Silver 1 and climbed back to Gold 3. From there my games suddenly became way harder. Every enemy topfrag was at least 25 kills, I got onetapped way more and I started losing all my games. The red carpet, you imagine it. Im back to Gold 1 now and about to fall back into silver. This has been going on for 2-3 weeks straight. For every game I win, I lose about 7-8. Is it a MMR thing or are there just people like me who get "worse" overtime? Its really discouraging and has made me stop playing comp. Im grateful for any genuine tips forward. :)
12 Replies
bossogaming3y ago
basically to fix this all you have to do is go to the riot games launcher right click valorant and click “uninstall” from there you shouldn’t have anymore issues with the game :) (or you can stay hardstuck in a rank like me)
♡ Tokki ♡
♡ Tokki ♡OP3y ago
I asked for genuine tips not a weird comment from a bronze 5head
bossogaming3y ago
there’s no way to fix it uninstalling technically is literally the only answer
John3y ago
this rank reset was harsher than previous one you're just getting matched with plat players as well who hot reset down to silver/gold
bossogaming3y ago
also if you keep getting one tapped you should change your play style and angles you take game sense beats aim
kaz3y ago
@jessyxit gold is full of washed ascendants its the same thing for me too its annoying :(
wyvern3y ago
thats just how ranked works, the higher you go the harder it gets, most people are back in their ranks by now. if what ur saying is true abt 1 W = 7-8 Ls then take a step back, go work on improving in dms, the range, and comp on an alt (not a smurf) and when you are able to consistently win on that alt go back to ur main also most people who do their "ranked homework" (watching pro vods or vod reviewing urself) will already know this but just in case, being one tapped doesn't mean your aim is bad and most of the time isnt even movement (though sometimes it is) its usually trying to make plays without full understanding something (walking up and getting a free pick from it since you dont get cleared cause your enemies dont understand timing) tl:dr you have always made bad decisions its just now they are being punished
Flora <3
Flora <33y ago
Let me answer this seriously, it depends if you took a break in your journey in valorant too And statistically right now, rank division is shifted so the plat 1 you would experience right now is likely a higher skill level than the plat 1 experience you would have in a previous episode
Flora <3
Flora <33y ago
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Flora <3
Flora <33y ago
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Flora <3
Flora <33y ago
just keep consistent performance and eventually your hidden mmr will go back up too
♡ Tokki ♡
♡ Tokki ♡OP3y ago
Thank you guys :) I'll maybe go on an alt and practice

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