C#2y ago

❔ Dotnet NuGet fetch packages with documentation

I can set <CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>true</CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies> in the project file to enable copying the nuget packages on build. This makes the build in essence equivalent to publish. What I want, however, is for it to copy the xmls with the documentation instead, be it in publish or on build, I don't care. These xmls with documentation are located next to the dlls in the nuget packages. What property do I have to set to enable this?
4 Replies
AntonOP2y ago
arju_s2y ago
Stack Overflow
How to conditionally compile a NuGet package on build?
I'm using a NuGet package in the project. Is there a way to isolate or ignore that NuGet package and use another NuGet package using a compile switch or Macro? Purpose: This NuGet Package is licens...
AntonOP2y ago
Here are some solutions https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/9498 It seems there's no options for this, ig
3rd party XML documentation files in NuGet packages are not copied ...
I&#39;ve dug around for a solution to this problem, but I only find issues related to dotnet publish not including a project&#39;s xml documentation. My issue is that XML documentation file...
Accord2y ago
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