tilt q and matchmaking

what is the relation between tilting and matchmaking, whenever i tilt q i find myself losing constantly. is it just the mental because i feel like every time i tilt i get in a game where i loose
7 Replies
Guim3y ago
contrary to popular belief, valorant can not read minds and is unable to know when you are tilted when your tilt q, your mental's just bad
noobmaster69OP3y ago
so i am just very coincidentaly loosing every game
Guim3y ago
not really coincidentally usually when you're tilted you play worse and losing more just tilts you further
KlasClaws3y ago
Let me put it this way explain how you could code a program to find if you are tilted and then put you in lobbies that have "bad" tm8s and "gods" for enemies. Also your name is simpfor2d and you are in a genshin impact discord it's clear your mind is not in the right place lol
noobmaster69OP3y ago
well i mean oure rigth but still how do you know im in a genshin server?
KlasClaws3y ago
Nah don't worry I feel you but trust me when you get frustrated you lose focus and do worse and don't try as hard. Simply stop Qing or learn to move on I thought you might have been from the name and then I checked mutual servers used to play genshin last patch I played was 3.0 and just never left the server
noobmaster69OP3y ago
okay buddy

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