Communication advices

What are the most useful callouts? What info do you find most important/useful? Automatic or Push to talk? - which key is the best for Push to talk? Any other communication advices? Thanks!
2 Replies
JSN3y ago
Call out enemy positions, and try to tell your team what you're doing most of the time(weather you're swinging, flashing, holding something, etc.) So you're team can use that. Especially in ranked, telling other people what to do will never work, so if you say what you're doing, at least it will help your teamates make more informed decisions. I see most people put their push to talk on their mouse, but it entirely depends on what's more comfortable. Definatly put it on a button that you can easily press tho.
wyvern3y ago
push to talk is 1000000x better, most ppl use mb4 or 5 (side mouse buttons) or V

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