C#2y ago

❔ Can't find dll reference assemblies

Hello guys! I am working on a project and I need the System.Runtime.dll file that is located on: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETCore\v4.5 But on my folder I find only .XML files, no DLL. I tried other System.Runtime.dll files on system32 and windows but they don't work, i need exactly the ones in the path mentioned above and i don't know what to install to get them. Thank you
3 Replies
Denis2y ago
I fear that your approach to referencing libraries is incorrect. I'll check whether system.runtime is available out of the box in a sec... Are you working on a .net core or .net framework project? You can get the System.Runtime via nuget However it is not available for .net framework 4.8 I take it back, it is available for both core and framework In your project, right click References/Dependencies And select Manage nuget packages Or you can select Add assembly reference and search in the assemblies list. However I do not see System.Runtime specifically
Sp3nc3r2y ago
will try and tell you
Accord2y ago
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