External SSD Question for Valorant

I currently don’t have any room for Valorant. As csgo is taking up the space that I need for Valorant. I’d like to keep both so I’m getting a external ssd thing. And I’m gonna install valorant on it. Id like to know exactly how Valorant would run on it if anyone knows about this stuff.
6 Replies
timliniscool3y ago
Pretty sure u can force it but historically externals were not allowed for main drives for riot games
.̷J̷ ̷A̷ ̷Y̷
Oh. So it’s a 50/50 shot or can I not. I mean either way I can find out. And if I can’t I’ll just flip flop. I’ll install csgo on the external and valorant on internal
Jshy3y ago
Would run fine Might take a few extra seconds to start up but other than that, just install it to the drive and you will be good to go just need to connect it when you want to play
.̷J̷ ̷A̷ ̷Y̷
Alrighty. Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks What if the read/write time is 430mb/s . Will the game run fine or will it run slow?
Jshy3y ago
should be fine no guarantees though
.̷J̷ ̷A̷ ̷Y̷
Alright Thanks for help

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