Network+ping problem
I really dont know whats wrong. Most of the times i play matches, theres constantly a message saying i have a network problem and a high average ping. However, on doing a speedtest i have 30-60 mbps download and 6-9 mbps upload. pingtest -> 35-50 ping.
This only occures on playing valorant, i dont have any issues at all playing other games.
Also, i´m constantly lagging from left to right, even lagging back on the ground when jumping. This costs me A LOT of gunfights (while i sometimes cant even see any enemies, by i stare at a wall while they see me (??))

4 Replies
today i play 2 games in las server with 200 ping
when usually i have 15 ping
but its not a "sometimes" problem, its most of the times. 6 days a week just the "normal" signs (see pic 1) with no visual lags that have any influence on the gameplay. but there are days like today, where the ping is at the usual 35ms (also visual in the scoreboard when ingame) going up to ~60, but this time theres the fully red ping sign (see pic 2) and lagging crazy. theres no chance of playing as usual. just lagging all over, while ping, download and uploads seem normal.
just occures in valorant
I get this problem as well sometimes although it's a lot less bad
Also, in the lobby, my ping appears as being over 150 on all servers, but in game it's something like 20-30
yes I get this problem as well