Does anyone else have huge problems with the hit detection of the game since the last game? especial

Since the last patch, shots that should be hits dont hit anymore, I am EU so High ping players (that being players with 50+ ping) is nothing new, but since the last update they seem to be invincible sometimes. Of course there are some shots that I whiff but some shots, that being me standing behind an enemy that stands still and aiming at his head, the shot seems not to connect. It is just really infuriating.
5 Replies
wyvern3y ago
I’ve noticed literally no difference playing on >50
Euphy3y ago
Check with your internet provider
BlobinOP3y ago
yeah already did, but nothing comes back from them, wouldnt explain why other people I play with have that same issue. That being said I live in germany and our internet is just ass so that could be it
Euphy3y ago
What servers do you generally play on?
3y ago
U smell like u farde

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