Hey, Luck here. I recently built a pc and made an attempt to play valorant. On launch i already noticed issues such as, low menu frame rate and the game messing with resolution to my actual pc. I get around 40-60 frames on a new pc.
6650 xt
ryzen 5 5600
32 gb of 3600mhz ram
1 tb sn770
msi b550 gaming gen3
Those are my specs.
I used to play on a laptop and i got around 200 frames on that.
Is there any way i can fix this issue with getting absolutely no frames?
10 Replies
do u have anything running in the background?
That shouldnt be stoping the frames
did you try repairing Valo? swap around between fullscreen, window mode? or straight up reinstall it. What power supply do you have
i had 2 things always running in the background on my laptop and i still got 200 frames
I opened with administrator and that kind of helped but not much, i can try to reinstall.
repair valo, are you using Fullscreen Borderless?
Fullscreen yes
How do i repair val?
Riot client -> top right icon -> settings -> Valorant -> Repair Button
It told me no repair is needed
reinstall it