I cant request to join people or invite them

evrytime i find someone to play with it will not let me invite them and it says unable to invite when i request to join it lets me click it but the other person does not get the request please help
7 Replies
teo3y ago
try restarting valorant if that doesnt work its probably a glitch from riot or your guys games
B-real plays
B-real playsOP3y ago
yea i tryed resarting valorant and tyhe other people do also so i think it might be riot it started on day one when i first signed up for valorant
teo3y ago
try it on a new account to see if its just your account for some reason or it may just be the new update
shax3y ago
you probably aren't in the same region
B-real plays
B-real playsOP3y ago
yea that is the problum but how do i change mine says EU but im amaircan
kṛṣṇa3y ago
you can't change i'm pretty sure, you'd have to make a new account
B-real plays
B-real playsOP3y ago
I fixed it i just left the server and rejoined and it let me change it

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