ASP.NET Core ConnectionHandler - custom protocol, TCP as transport
Hey C#.
I'm trying to use
ConnectionHandler because a PLC connecting to my webserver has horrible support for HTTP. However I'm seeing a problem where I connect two TCP clients from same host to the server. The connection is reset by peer (which I guess is the server). I can see that OnConnectedAsync
should return a task that represents the connection lifetime. The TCP connections are gonna be long-lived, so should I place the task in a thread, or run it in Task.Run
?ConnectionHandler Class (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections)
Represents an endpoint that multiple connections connect to. For HTTP, endpoints are URLs, for non-HTTP it can be a TCP listener (or similar).
2 Replies
I followed this example:
MultiProtocolAspNetCore/MyEchoConnectionHandler.cs at master · davi...
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Figured out my problem. Scoping dependencies with IScopeFactory fixed this issue.