ragdoll is a pain

Currently playing on controller, every time I hit up in d-pad I go into ragdoll and it’s a pain now, can I rebind it to something I don’t use or disable it? The help would be much appreciated, thanks
4 Replies
nex3y ago
can you use https://feedback.rsm.gg/ please so others can discuss it?
Rockstar Mischief (RSM) Feedback
Welcome to our official feedback board! Let us know how we can improve by voting on existing ideas or suggesting new ones, whether it be a feature or content request. Submitting content requests Please make sure that your request contains a link to the specific GTA5-Mods pages. Also note that we add content in batches, and bugging us about it w...
optimistic-gold3y ago
get rekt controller users PogYou that includes me
rare-sapphire3y ago
@pyroxghost If you didn't solve the issue, try this: - Press M, player related options, player options; - Check "No ragdoll".
stormy-goldOP3y ago
Thankfully the new fix has actually helped, I complained about it then the next day a fix came out so real happy with that, thanks a lot

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