Worker Using StreamWriter produces error

I am developing a worker that uses streams and am encountering some issues. I have reduced the code down to the following simple example to reproduce (one) of my problems. I have based it loosely off this : with the difference being I want to write my own information to the response. Am I using streams correctly? I suspect I am not.. addEventListener("fetch", event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)); }); async function handleRequest(request) { let { readable, writable } = new TransformStream(); const writer = writable.getWriter(); await writer.write((new TextEncoder()).encode("Hello")); return new Response(readable, {headers: {"content-type":"application/json"}}); } The error I am getting is: A hanging Promise was canceled. This happens when the worker runtime is waiting for a Promise from JavaScript to resolve, but has detected that the Promise cannot possibly ever resolve because all code and events related to the Promise's I/O context have already finished. 17:37:07 POST / 200 ✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (in response) Error: The script will never generate a response.
1 Reply
rduttonOP3y ago
The solution was addEventListener("fetch", event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event)); }); async function handleRequest(event) { let { readable, writable } = new TransformStream(); const writer = writable.getWriter(); async function asyncWrite() { writer.write((new TextEncoder()).encode("Hello")); return writer.close(); }; event.waitUntil(asyncWrite()); return new Response(readable, {headers: {"content-type":"application/json"}}); } Found it here:

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