【HELP】valorant failed to launch!
Every time I tried to launch the game, it would pop up. I tried a lot of things that didn't work, including restarting the computer, reinstalling the game and riot client, and updating the graphics driver.
I have been troubled by this problem for a long time, and no one can tell me how to solve 

12 Replies
Repair riot client
And u just join the server today
Can u come here
And help @tony_study

@tony_study do you see repair button
On the riot client
Sorry to bother you, but I deleted the game and riot client again a few minutes ago and am downloading and installing them again 

Bro why
I never had a problem with val and the riot client but just Verry buggy settings
Bro i have 200+ fps in game and drop to. 60 on the settings
oh my bro,3 months ago, I was able to play valorant , but in January, when I started the game again, the message "valorant failed to lauch" was displayed.
Umm I had that
Done nothing just closed it and works again
I close the fail to louch and game boot up
lucky man!I tried this again and again but it didnt 

Wait next update
Pro it will be fized
indeed,i hope 

I help who I want to help, and when I want to help.
I'm not hired by this server, I'm not getting paid, it's not my duty to help
I'll help when I have time and when I want.
yeah bro u are right,i will wait for the time that u are available and u want to help someone if it possible❤️