My mic is on, settings are fine but i cant use in game vc/hear other players?
like everything is fine ive checked everything yet its like not letting me use it

30 Replies
They’re broken rn
my fault 💀
It’s so much fun
Is the situation you lose ALL audio if you turn on a vc or you just cant hear people in your vc if its on and audio is fine
Is it? I just played an hour ago and it was fine
same but i think it doesnt work for anyone rn
Oh ok
How did you figure out it was happening did it cut out in the middle of a game or you went into a new game
does it actually not work for anyone?
i just asked someone and they said it works fine for them
yes it did
Not in comp
Oh it cut out in the middle of a game weird
in an unrated rn, broken aswell
im on a spike rush
doesnt work for me, apparently works for my teammate
What region?
That’s so weird
thats what they said
my friends mic isnt working as well and we're both doing comp
we're playing in oreghom server
I mean it’s not working in comp
mine doesn’t work either, says everyones muted n i cant use mins
im in spike rush
No one in my lobby can talk lol

maybe its for similar regions?
whats that mean
im in na servers
queued another spike rush, still cant use vc and other people cant
that guy i asked was probably lying
ive played like 5 n it hasnt fixed
i asked a friend and he said his vc is working
what the hel is goin on
delete and redownload