mouse recommendations
does anyone have a good mouse recommendation? my budget is up to 100€. i heard that razer viper mini is a good budget mouse, is that true? is there any mouse thats also good but wireless?

50 Replies
Logitech g pro wireless
Its around 80€ rn i think
razer viper mini is tiny
its good for budget but there are better optons for your budget
well i kinda have small hands anyway so im not looking for a big mouse
i cant find logitech g pro wireless in my store here but i can find it wired, is that mouse still worth it?
I personally bought it because i wanted wireless, isnt there another store?
not really, couldn't find it. should clarify that i live in a kinda shitty country lmao
anyone have any other recommendations? im going to the store tomorrow. found the logitech g pro wireless but its 140€ here so its out of my budget
the wired one is 65€ tho, is that worth it?
these are wireless, are any of them worth it?

i have 0 knowledge in how mouses or pc setups worth, my current mouse just died and i wanted something decent lol, so i appreciate any help
there are these too

dont get HP
dont get aqirys
none of them really look that good
ive used the basilisk in the past
can vouch for that
other than that, not much good stuff there.
is this mouse good? i bought it because they didn't have basilisk at the moment but had this one discounted. they told me i could return it next week and swap for basilisk if i think thats better because i was unsure about the mouse. thoughts? is it okay or would some other mouse around this price be better?

just buy the viper mini if u have a small hand
its easily the best mice out there (in ur list)
if u have a slightly bigger hand or a medium hand buy the deathadder
so it fits ur hand size
most razer mice are good cuz of the low latency and ergonomic designs
i talked with the workers in the store and they recommended this mouse and said i can try it out at home and return it if i didn't like it, so there's nothing really to loose i guess
the mouse is okay for my hand so i think i'll keep it, i don't like that viper mini is wired
theres a wireless version
buy any logitech mouse
they're all good
avoid razer at any cost
i got a razer mouse an heaset and i regret buying both
why'd you regret razer? i read that razer and logitech are both really good
nah more like the opposite
some logitech mice are complete dogwater
cant even do a proper flick without buzzing out
razer is easily one of the best for fps games most of their mice are great
razer only has good mice and the rest of their products are bad tho
i have a razer mouse and i absolutely hate it
what mouse did u get?
razer deathadder essential
damn u sure u got it from a legit retailer?
razer synapse detects it
i guess some razer mice sucks too
logitech is kinda worse tho
its not bad for the price though
its a budget one
ah ye
but compared to the logitech g 102 i bought for sooo much less its garbage
sadly my g102 died because of me rage quitting and valorant
ye g102 is one of de best mice in the market
which caused me to quit valorant
damn 💀
i play val like once a month or two
I say that Logitech have one of the best mice, but they are overpriced tbh.
the hero 502 sucks
idk why everyone likes it
the g pro x wireless is amazing though
its too big and heavy and the sensor kinda buzzes out sometimes in rare cases
Mhm, I'm using it. After using dozens of mice, I can easily say this is the most comfortable mouse.
121 grams for a mouse is pretty insane especially if ur planning to use it for FPs games
model o 69 grams is perfect
they 100% intended it to be 69 grams 

i just hope riot intends to do the same with raze and killjoy

Had the model o, worse mouse ever. Cable breaks really quick.
Switched to gpro wireless superlight and everything is better
gpro superlight is the goat of mice
get the model o
but what about the thing the guy just mentioned above
get model o
its with cable and without
i bought the one with cable, even if i disconnect from cable it can still work with bluetooth
forgot theres a wireless version
model o just bad overall no cap
glorious bad
dont get steelserie