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what is the problem in this code?
11 Replies
phaseshift2y ago
Don't know, what is the problem?
SmolLime1172y ago
i dont understand why it is highlighting Console.ReadLine(); yellow
Thinker2y ago
the only thing there is a warning it's not an error
phaseshift2y ago
It tells you when you mouse over it
SmolLime1172y ago
yeah but even when there is nothing there is says there is a problem
Thinker2y ago
that's just vscode being vscode restart vsc and it'll probably be fixed
SmolLime1172y ago
Thinker2y ago
but anyway, the warning itself says that the result of Console.ReadLine() may be null You can solve this either by doing Console.ReadLine() ?? "" or doing Console.ReadLine()! The first of which is kinda the most preferable
SmolLime1172y ago
oh ok that makes sense thanks
Thinker2y ago
a ?? b essentially means "if a is not null then return a from the expression, otherwise return b"
Accord2y ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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