Codepen Issue
hey just wondering why I cant use the tab button to finish my code in codepen like the way I'm using it before. like I'm typing .container + tab it will make a div class of container for me but now its not working.
25 Replies
it works for me, try refreshing the page?
check if Emmet is set to active here
yes its active
for me it works as well

try a different browser?
is it bec of ad blocker
can not imagine that having an effect, but sure, try
unf its not working either
I've got a half dozen ad, script, and privacy plugins in my browser and it's working fine
brave and edge curr my browser

when I presss tab it actually make a tab LMFAO
you don't need the body, html, and head tags in codepen, only what goes inside the body tag
Really didnt know that
but this tab button giving me a hard time XD
clearing cache and/or trying in firefox are the only ideas I have left tbh
does it work in vscode?
that emmet string works perfectly for me in codepen
yeah it works on my vscode
Im just lazy to create files in vscode thats why im using codepen
me the same. for little things, practice, help etc. i use codepen
But, i have no idea what causes that. Maybe try and see what does, it also has emmet.
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Ooooh, I'm not alone. Emmet in codepen is broken for me as well...
No idea what causes it, too.
Only running uBlock origin. Currently using Chrome and have not tested other browsers yet. Gotta see if it is a Chrome issue (for me).
Also, on mobile if I am using the mobile view, letters get randomly backspaced, especially when inside curly braces. Oneliners work fine, but declaring functions for example causes the cursor to always jump back, not allowing me to write anything at all...
My fix is to use the desktop view, which comes with its own set of issues lol.
Everytime I place the cursor by tapping on the screen, the whole page zooms in by 1000%. After a while it becomes completely unusable. You're more occupied with zooming back and forth than writing any code.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk 🙂
thank god im not the only one XD
OK, just checked and Emmet works correctly in Firefox for me.
Gonna switch back to it anyways once the new Manifest version drops