media query based on an attribute or media query within an a selector

Hey everyone, I have light/dark mode setup on my website. I'm also trying to handle prefers-color-contrast: less and prefers-color-contrast: more everything is working as expected but one thing! if I go to my site when my OS system theme is light, I get my website in light theme and vice versa if I go there when my OS is set to dark, I get my website in dark mode... however, if I click the theme changer on my website it doesn't change my prefers-color-scheme because that's set by my OS settings.
1 Reply
NazCodelandOP2y ago
So, to be able to activate prefers-contrast: less and prefers-contrast: more when I click the site-wide theme changer, I need to somehow do this
@media (prefers-contrast: less) and ((prefers-color-scheme: dark) or ([color-scheme='light'])) {
@media (prefers-contrast: less) and ((prefers-color-scheme: dark) or ([color-scheme='light'])) {
or something like this
[color-scheme='light'] {
@media (prefers-contrast: less) and (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
.menu__links li a {
color: canvasText;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 4rem;
[color-scheme='light'] {
@media (prefers-contrast: less) and (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
.menu__links li a {
color: canvasText;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 4rem;
Thinking about it, I think I need to do this with JS Actually figured out something that's css only

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