fps glitch?
When I launch val i get 40-96 fps and shi looks like a velocity edit and very choppy but when i restart my pc I somehow get 190-300 fps sum1 tell me how i can fix this

27 Replies
Yeah this is definitely programs on your computer slowing it down. background applications and such. When you restart it, you don't have the background applications open, so it doesnt slow it down.
only thing i got in backround is : Amd software ( graphics card ), Windows security, Print screan, wallpaper engine , discord , sumtimes spotify, and riot vanguard
check for updates on ur computer (ex: if your using windows check for windows updates)
when not updated u get like 50 frames and after update u get 200
up to date on windows updates
prob what kinito said then
what could be causing problem tho
like my backround apps
Prob wallpaper engine or sum dumb shit
try going to the start up apps area and removing the ones u dont need
start up apps = apps that automatically turn on when u open your pc/laptop
you can still turn them on manually
(most of them anyway)
yeah ik
try putting discord & spotify on ur phone
or going into task manager and setting val to higher priority

ye i see tdat
val may be in efficiency mode
try giving it a higher priority
go to details
in task manager
find valorant
right click valorant
hover over select priority
and change it to High
val has to be in backround?
if u dont understand I reccomend searching it up
it says if i change it can cause system instability
or watching a valorant optimization guide
idk then
didnt say that for me
I recommend watching a valorant optimization guide on yt
maybe cuz i got shit graphics card
those help
aight i will try
funny shi is im still p2 with 60 fps and tapping heads KEKW
Wallpaper engine 💀
wallpaper engine, when you play make sure you pause the program so the wallpaper isnt moving.