i was in a comp game and the enemy team in the first half was so bad at the game but suddenly their jett goes afk for a round and comes back and lands 41 kills from 4 kills in the second half only idk if it was hacks or someone logged into his account mid game but riot should stop people from logging into an account when its in a game because it spoils the experience for other players when they get boosted mid game
8 Replies

tell me about it
those two teams are considered equal
unrated/gold3-plat3 == plat 1-dia 1
idk what they did to the rank queue or if they did anything but there seems to be a smurf on every game on one team or the other
dont play then
go play a non competative game
thing is i enjoy comp but its not fun if there is an immortal in a gold lobby and on top of that they start being toxic like tf
mabye for ur a high elo player so u dont face smurfs but bro someof us r trying to rank up and then you find boosted teamates who r clearly not gold and on top of that there is the enemy jett who is clearly not gold but is like immortal or smth
Change your mindset then.
Play the game to play the game, not play the game to rank up as fast as possible
Its impossible to rank up consistently and never lose rr as you will face stuff like this.
This is inevitable and there is nothing really you can do about it.
i get what ur saying but uk how the game starts out well and the enemy team is so bad then out of no where one of there teamamtes just starts popping off 😂 like tf bro
lol just kill them
despite the name, immortals aren’t immortal, and if ur right in saying the enemy team is trash then it just goes from a 5v0 to a 5v1 but the 1 is slightly better than you, if you trade each other against the smurf then it’s still a 4v0