I have an SVG animation that animates when we reload a page
But the animation should apply when I scroll down and when we scroll up the animation should keep on applying i tried using begin element with JavaScript but it's not working is there any way we can do that ?
could anyone help me in this issue ? Thank you in advance .
6 Replies
here is my code for javascript
$(window).on("scroll", function () {
var windowHeight = $(window).height()
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop()
var windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight
$(".scroll-animation").each(function () {
var element = $(this)
var elementHeight = element.outerHeight()
var elementTop = element.offset().top
var elementBottom = elementTop + elementHeight
if (elementBottom > windowTop && elementTop < windowBottom) {
var animation = element[0].getElementById("animation")
not really familiar with svg animations, but calling begin and end right after each other seems like it would start and then immediately stop the animation?
Unknown User•3y ago
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yes it should stop immediately
can we use Intersection Observer API ? for this ?
thank you
but if those lines run immediately after each other, the animation wouldn't even start right? Or am I misunderstanding the animation api?
we need to specify some time interval
then we can get some animation