SVG into less lines

Is there a way to condense the amount of lines an SVG takes up in an html document?
10 Replies
b1mind2y ago
b1mind2y ago
Good start is to run it though this, lots of options to get rid of clean up stuff. You can also use SVG sprites to consolidate or use external asset
Spiritual Tech
I have no idea what that means, but I will figure it out. lol
b1mind2y ago
SVG is ultimately markup though and it will be what it needs to be.
Spiritual Tech
I thought so. I have one svg that is 300 lines of code.
b1mind2y ago
That is a rather complex SVG, depending on your needs and file size it's probably best in <img src Depends on how you are page/image caching too. Not just about the big markup.
Spiritual Tech
I love the little bird
b1mind2y ago
Sara is great!!!
Spiritual Tech
In both places This website just gave me inspiration for one I'm working on. I'll share it with you if and when it comes to fruition.