22 Replies
wait forgot the explanation
First Align your crosshair in the middle of the box (you can see it on the map) easy if you crouch when do this
stand up

align the green stim beacon hud (if you use your stim you can still see it dont worry) like on the screenshot
the molly will give take you to the middle

if you want to do it while still crouching

align the hud line to the corner (i screenshot it and mark it)
it will send the molly to this spot

this spot is kinda broken because enemy cant see if the molly hit the right spot
but the molly still there even though you cant see it

now if the enemy know where you are now
there still a lineup for it
go to a

look down and align your crosshair in the end of this thing

align the health hud line (i mark it) to the ledge of that and let the end of the line not go to much down or right
molly will end up at mid

last on box in b

align the health hud line to be right at the center and right on the ledge of it [still inside of that ( i mark it)]

it will put the molly here

i never do an explanation before, this is my first time
so hope it help
i got all of this lp in 2 hour after the game first lotus update
:BrimLUL: :BrimstoneLove: :BrimLUL: