region switch
if i switch region to EU can i switch back to US? or is it a 1 time thing
12 Replies
Every 90 days @lazarus_aka_him
every 90 days?
like 100%
can i still switch after buying val points?
Everything stays the same other then your rank on comp
And Val shop
oh so i can switch after buying val points
nice đź‘Ť
But to switch, you have to be playing on the region for 10-14 days
Since it has to be the same IP
Vpns apparently don’t work
Since they can detect
You only have to play an hour or two a day or such in that time period and then you’d have to make a ticket asking to be changed over
My gf got my accounted switched over since she had to play on my account which is EU and she’s from Canada so
But you can’t go back for another 90 days
oh ok
thats good to know
my friend gave me his acc
and hes US im 

be mindful though since im pretty sure 2 people of different region cant play with eachother
Yea ik
welp like evrything stays same means i will have evrything same skins and stuff just not the comp rank?