concept agent glitch: ult form art
Uhh so made the ult form of my agent and here’s it so far, still in development, pleas leave any suggestions

8 Replies
pretty cool looking so far, can't wait to see the results!
Great idea, love the concept, but is that x on his head supposed to mean he’s a duelist?
Also do you have any ideas on his abilities?
I act had a post long ago let me find it
the ult is goign to be like kayos ult with the enemy having to be in a certain raduis fot the ult to take effect, the ult marks opponents for as long as glitch lives and also the ult gives 50 more shield how much shield the player has at that current moment when they ult and the thing that sheilds glitch is like a companion he has kind of like venom so whats a name i should give his companion
First ability: smokes, smokes last for 35 seconds and he has 2 of them. second ability is that he can malke portal in a certain range and can shoot through them and the portals will last 20 seconds, the 3rd ability is which im debating where its either going to be 2 prowlers that will blind and damage enemy players or just a wall that goes forward and whgat evr gets in its path will be blinded
Still deciding on one of the other abilities
I see. Very nice!
Great job man! keep it up!
Way too op
The smokes last too long: the longest smoke in the game rn is 16 seconds
A portal that you can shoot through is also way too op
It would be less so if the portal didn't last so long
And a wall that blinds people is like horrible
Just imagine, you get hit by this wall, you can't see anything, and the wall (your only cover) moves past you
You're stuck in the open without any eyesight.