valorant justice for low and pc
Can u guys apply setting for low and pcs so they can get up to 60 fps
Becz are main problem is low fps@valorant
43 Replies
You should try playing on a lower resolution
there are literally low settings
if your pc can't run on lowest end settings your pc isnt designed for playing this game
Yeah that too
my pc is running but i got some friends. they cant buy a new pc thats why and game size 20 gb to 30 gb in 1 year
my storage Rip
120gb ssd is 15$
All the knowledge how to boost pcs is free and available to everyone
Bro i have the money but i got a father with no heart xd
over clock ur pc
yea no...
Valorant already runs on potatoes
if your computer is worse then a potato
then its up to you to get a new one
unless you want to be playing minecraft, there isn't much else you can do other than lowering all the settings
resolution can be lowered but at that point its unplayable
play at 1p
1 pixel
newest release minecraft is most difficult to run than valorant :P
was hinting that the game would look like minecraft if you lower the resolution enough 🙂
No dude i have i3 5005u 4gb ram
1.19.3 run easily on my pc but valorant wont
Before my new pc I had a pc with an i3 8100 igpu and could run the game at a consistent 120 fps
nobody was talking or referring to you 😐
bro i have i3 12100 igpu run 30 fps bc 4 gb ram
I really really doubt this
unless you somehow are running 640x480 resolution or something
no u just don't get it
intel igpu is preatty good if u got loads of ram
intel hd grafics is powerfull
I just ran 1280x960
That doesn’t rlly matter since valorant is way more cpu based
There are lots of ways to optimize windows other than val settings yknow
i ran mine at 1080p
yeah of course, but with an 8th gen i3...
120fps just sounds unrealistic
okay so if you put in 64gb of ram, you will suddenly get 300fps on an i3?
ran won't affect the performance that much
especially if you are getting 30fps right now
bc idle 98% ram
okay and?
Better to just buy a new cpu at that point
i got a i3 12 gen
which is a weak CPU...
sure it's capable, but far from optimal for normal gaming.
The i3 12th gen?
Outperforms i5 10th gen
P good as a budget cpu
compared to other things around this time period, yes.
few extra bucks gets you a 12400f
which is more than capable for stuff like Valo
no its a laptop that i use for school
the pc i use runs val 200 fps
16 gb ram, ryzen 3 3100, gtx 1650 super
Rn I have an i3 12100f and get a stable 290-300 fps
ok gpu?
Rtx 2070
remove bloatware
remove password
Whatttt minecraft lmao i get 200 fps in minecraft xd
And please stop new agents and new maps
okay, I will make sure not to add any more new agents and maps
Valorant will never have an update ever again
yes pls
yea please do it or gay xd