Ingame all the textures are just missing or really low quality when turning my camera
I cant see player models either, my settings are all on max and this doesnt happen on normal gta 5. It doesnt happen immeadiatly after joining, only when i drive away from the area i spawned in, also on parts of vehicles sometimes. Some low quality LOD models briefly appear when i turn my camera. This only happens on this server too. Im running the game on a gtx 1050ti and windows 10 64 bit. I tried updating my drivers and changing the game to DirectX 10 mode but it didnt help.

4 Replies
Edit: On vehicles the rim texture reappears when i switch them out for others
turn up extended texture budget in graphics settings
For world textures to load correctly, you need to have enough VRAM to spare and have FiveM on a fast drive. If the problem persists, you can try raising the Extended Texture Budget value on Pause Menu's settings.