best practices for domain

Hey, I‘m looking for a way to handle the standard domains. I would like to keep headers and cache settings out of my application, cause I thinks it‘s not business logic related as much. So I added page and transform rules for the official domain and it works great, but I‘m don‘t know how to handle the preview generated subdomains for the project. I don’t want that it‘s possible to access the page by the domain, so I added a bulk redirect for it. Works fine as well, but I want to keep the preview urls accessible with custom no-follow tags. Is it possible to achieve that?
7 Replies
GregBrimble3y ago
Generally, I would recommend _headers. Can you go into more detail about why you prefer managing this stuff in the dashboard with other tools?
andifined.devOP3y ago
Yes of course, from my point of view, everything headers related, has generally nothing to do with the required code to build an application. Headers are little bits and pieces that make my application more secure, more performant (cache-Headers) or restrict indexing by crawlers. So if I want to change one of those headers in code, I have to alter files, make a pull request and a new deployment. Many developers don‘t know much about security related headers and so I thinks it would be a good practice to configure those infrastructure and traffic related stuff directly by defining specific rules to manage it from the dashboard. For the official domain of my pages projects it works great! But it‘s also possible to access the project by the pages domain and it would be awesome, if the subdomain appears as a site in cloudflare to make all the great customization options for it accessible as well. Does that make sense to you? So when talking about the _headers file, do know where to locate it within a sveltekit project? Can‘t find anything about it in the documentation 😦
GregBrimble3y ago
Gotcha. Yeah, that makes sense, but I think probably easiest to just try out _headers for now, and we'll take note of your feature request for more control over your * domain in the dashboard.
GregBrimble3y ago
You can create an _headers in your static directory of your SvelteKit project:
SvelteKit docs
Project structure • SvelteKit documentation
GregBrimble3y ago
That'll get brought across into your "Build Output Directory" when we run your build command.
andifined.devOP3y ago
Already tried that, but didn‘t work. Will give it another try thanks! Awesome! Thanks! But if I‘m remembering it correctly the docs say that the _headers file has no effect on dynamic content, so I‘m responsible for managing those cache headers etc within code or am I wrong?
GregBrimble3y ago
Yes, that is correct. It only affects static asset responses.

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