CSS Grid Issue

I'm creating 3 column grid and getting dynamic data in the columns. So one column can have more data than the other one. With the same thing, next row is taking space according to the more content column. I want the next row to take up the empty space so there is no empty space in the page. I've tried creating main container as grid with 3 columns and grid-template-rows to be minmax(100px , auto) but it's not working. I'm new to grid, so not getting how it can be achieved. In the image you can see the empty space being created, if there is empty space I want that to get filled with the next row
11 Replies
MarkBoots3y ago
there is not really a grid way to do this, rows will be rows, there are no in-betweens (there will be masonry grid in the, hopefully, near future which could solve this). For now, what you can try is to give a row span on the item for each count of data that it has. (pass it via a custom property) can you make an example codepen of what you have now, I can take a look at it
razeshOP3y ago
row span will only give the number of row that can be spanned in the column, as the data is dynamic I won't be knowing the number of row spannin
MarkBoots3y ago
@raz_esh it depends, you have your dataset. you know how many subs there are when you go over them. here a really simple example (don't know what your data looks like) https://codepen.io/MarkBoots/pen/JjBvYbx
MarkBoots3y ago
If this doesnt work for you, please make an example in codepen
razeshOP3y ago
This is what I want it to look like, I'll give it a try
Å Marlon G
Å Marlon G3y ago
Just wondering, because this is an interesting question rajesh is asking. What about grid-areas. Could he not just build it with areas, or am I missing something in his question?
MarkBoots3y ago
that is absolutely not dynamic. what if there are a different amount people / different amount of content within a person. You'll have to declare everything
MarkBoots3y ago
other option would be using display: columns instead of grid, but then it will fill the space from top to bottom, left to right. like so: https://codepen.io/MarkBoots/pen/jOpxXdR
razeshOP3y ago
Thanks @markboots. 'display: column' works fine. But there is one issue with display columns It fills the other column
MarkBoots3y ago
did you set break-inside: avoid-column; on the items
razeshOP3y ago
yes i did, but it's still not changing anything

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