Common folder names for organization in React

Hello, I started learning about react and after many videos I notice that there were a lot of folders in the src folder with many names. As of right now, I learned that there is a components folder in which have files which is reusable in other apps, a services folder in which has the data/json files and there functions to get the data, a utils folder where we have functions that help with math. Can anyone tell me the common names or the best practice to start doing with naming the folders and what types of code in the files to put in there?
3 Replies
Joao•3y ago
There is no fixed structure, every project will have their own. I personally find this one to be a good one: Most important is to use something that makes sense and be consistent. It's ok to break some 'best practices' if that is what your project needs.
kingtigerknightOP•3y ago
Ah ok, thanks for the information 🙂
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Unknown User•3y ago
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