I need help on making projects section responsive
how can i make this on responsive way, i've been trying so hard but still i can't help it
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Unknown Userā¢3y ago
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I see u use grid so I would put the grid-template-columns in a min-width media-query
@Mr.Life.Hacker ye i will elaborate it in better way
so besically this code is in @media queries
so when it is in mobile i want it to be the picture above the text
what media-query did you use then?
grid-template-columns: repeat(1fr, 1fr);
supposed to do?
the 1st value should be a number or one of auto-fill/auto-fit
create 2 equal columns
no it doesn't. repeat() takes a number and then the values/sizes that need repeating.
Equal columns would be:
grid-template-columns: 1fr, 1fr;
oh yeah i didn't even noticed that it should be
repeat(2, 1fr)
looks better š
fwiw that's more characters and "too complex code" for what a simple
1fr, 1fr
would do.
I only use repeat for the auto-*
guys or if there are plenty of same size patterns to be repeated, that would be hard to read and count if typed out manually.@mannix_
and still cant fix ittt
i fix it
but now i have problem how can i put image in the middle
try justify-content: center; on the parent of that image
poor clients trusting you with their web projects ...
bro acting like he is better , while he use bootstrap š
but dw about it
i fixed it in all devices so ye