How to prevent refresh on overscroll on IOS

Hi, I have this small problem - refresh on scroll. So i have box inside my application with drag and drop feature. It works everywhere besides phones. On phones when I am starting dragging there is page reload. I read about something like this - But is seems it doesn't work. Any ideas ?
Stack Overflow
Disabling android's chrome pull-down-to-refresh feature
I've created a small HTML5 web application for my company. This application displays a list of items and everything works fine. The application is mainly used on android phones and Chrome as brow...
11 Replies
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
can you show us the code for drag and drop (the event listeners). Thinking of it, I don't know if mobile supports drag-events. Think you need seperate touchmove and touchend events for that
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
ohw, here a nice video of Web Dev Simplified on touch events. He also mentions the page refresh.
Web Dev Simplified
Learn JavaScript Touch Events In 17 Minutes
Mobile responsive design is something everyone focuses on with CSS, but touch events are something almost no one takes the time to implement. In this video I will show you how to get started with touch events, how to connect your phone to your computer for debugging, and overall how to make working with touch events easy. šŸ“š Materials/Reference...
interpodā€¢2y ago
quirky-jennings-lnfhby - CodeSandbox
quirky-jennings-lnfhby using react, react-dom
interpodā€¢2y ago
the thing is that when i start to drag i am getting page referesh šŸ˜„
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
try putting in your events as the first line event.preventDefault()
interpodā€¢2y ago
put in onto pointerMove and didn't change anything
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
hm, i have no knowledge about the onDown and OnMove events of react. Don't know if they only capture clickevents or also touch. i can not test it, but will this work?
onDown = (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); // THIS ADDED
this.isDragging = true;;

// We store the initial coordinates to be able to calculate the changes
// later on.
onDown = (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); // THIS ADDED
this.isDragging = true;;

// We store the initial coordinates to be able to calculate the changes
// later on.
i added the event.preventDefault(). You probably can put that line in the other onMove, onUp, onGotCapture and onLostCapture as well
interpodā€¢2y ago
interpodā€¢2y ago
The problem behaviour looks like this - Slide is absolute div with 85vh and bottom:0 - Behide Slide there is rest of aplication so it is this typical overlay with 85vh - when i drag the slider stays in place but everything what is in the backgroud moves and enforces page reload so it seems that stop-propagation should work but it doesn't @markboots. do you think am I missing something?
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powellā€¢2y ago
I think overscroll-behavior could fix this? an overscroll-behavior: contain should prevent the page refresh?
interpodā€¢2y ago
This what i google, but seems it didn't worked maybe something weird is going on with this component because of position absolute, no idea to be honest wasn't able to find good solution for this
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