i cant spawn some vehicles
i cant spawn some vehicles i dont know the reason please help
8 Replies
We could do with more info, are they just not appearing after you select or are you getting errors etc?
If they just take a while to spawn, its probably because you're still downloading
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
its fixed
i think its just still downloading
Most likely, let us know if they don't though:)
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
but the addons take the longesttt
and where is the batcar? in what section?
Well yeah, because you have to download them
And no clue, i'm sure you'll find it eventually
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
oh ok
rare-sapphire•3y ago
Should be in super, if I'm not remembering it wrong...
fascinating-indigo•3y ago
how did you fix them they dont spawn in for me and if someone has them they are invisable for me and ive been playing for 5 hours