Oni Vandal 2.0
Just vas wondering how an Oni Vandal would look, so I took my time to make one! Enjoy!! 😄

58 Replies
Can't wait for this gun to be added! 😄
Wow, but it looks really similar to phantom, maybe remove the silener
Cause the vandal doesnt have one
Yea! Ty for the feedback!!
Also make some new variants
Maybe black and blue?
Ohh i know a good variant
Ok!! Im trying to do something with another skin collection
White and gold
Will do later!! Some time in the future! XD
nice i guess urs better lmao

Yours is good too
@LUCKY update us with your creation, we're curious
Can someone with authority please make oni 2.0 with an actual " katana" make it happen soon...
Holy fuck that’s awesome tho I do wish we had another katana
Tho it’s so hard to think of a pullout animation
Nah but like unsheathing a katana would be so cool
but would the unsheathing look like the pullout for rgx
Yk how katanas are pulled from the hip
Like that maybe
How would you see that on screen tho
Good point
If its on ur hip
Maybe rgx but upright
Idk hopefully they make another katana tho
Yeah yeah
@Shlomi Did I encourage the valorant mods to make the new oni 2.0???
This means so much to me 😄
either they choose this or you predicted the future
n0t bad dud
lmost looks the same as the ofificla one
Good job
If this came out as originla i wouldnt be surprised
I believe I just predicted the future!!
And whoever suggested the katana???
No u didn’t predict or influence the production of oni 2.0
They recently said they had it in the making and normally for games like valorant, they have ideas a long time before they actually sell ut
Pretty cool
Yeah but the katana from the postdidn’t look like how I thought it would look like
I was hoping it had same animation as the rgx blade but I understand
Cuz katanas r pulled from the hip but it didn’t look that satisfying to pull out
This one better than Rgx
They said after i posted it
And that wasn't recently
We havent even seen the full animations
The video cuts it off
We seen 90% of it at least
But they have ideas way before they just decide to make it now
And sell it now
Nah so far what we’ve seen it doesn’t look that satisfying to swing and maybe the pullout is clean but I’d
Inspect clean as well
The swing is fine imo it has the sovsword rightclick
Can you just let me feel special for once?
Lowkey fax
Alr Alr mbmb
That’s my bad bro I’m a little insensitive
no worries
Bro said for once
Are you ok
time travel??
Bro saw the future
Taim travler
bro's the akinator
Akinator knows everything