does anyone now why this happens so my pc shows valorant has mic access but i doesnt work in game

35 Replies
Try holding down V and then saying something.
no push to talk doenst work either
it just shows me as muted when my pc shows val has mic acces adn that its using my mic
valorant account bug, some accounts have it, some do not
all i do when this happens is just wait, somewhen it’s gonna get fixed
its happens on both my acc
does ur ingame vc work?
on any account
the team voicechat, not group voicechat
every thing is on game chat voice chat i have the right thing selected as input device
ill try a different device see if it works
no i mean did you try to use ur mic in team voicechat? team voicechat is the vc with the people ur speaking once you loaded into a game and group voicechat is the one for ur desired group
this screenshot shows me ur disabled group voicechat, the group voicechat is always disabled until you join a group with players in it. if it’s still disabled even though ur group voicechat is set to on then it’s probably because of the account, not because of ur input device
can u see something wrong with these settings that could cause this
send me a screenshot and imma tell you
but i’m pretty sure it’s because of the account, yep, the account
are u in egypt or a country near that region bc it doesnt work there
I'm in the uk
Srry I meant to send one
happens to the best of us
oh then idk the fix but i had the same problem and it just randomly fixed itself hopefully urs gets fixed aswell
Let's hope I'm getting a new headset to see if that changes anything and also I need them
these are my settings

Are you alone in the party? If you are, Valorant doesn't connect you to the voice chat until you're with at least 1 other person, so... That's normal. If it's during matches too, then idk
Pretty much what sipan was saying.
I have a different problem now
It shows I'm talking and it works but no one can hear me
Do you hear yourself in the loopback test?
I don't think ao
Make sure to specify your input device there instead of just leaving it on default
Just in case
And then do the loopback test again
ok thx
Let me know if you manage to fix it
Will do
i cant
@pierogi12your mic got fixed?
@fistbumpbuddyis it my acc mine is not working since start of the game
i tried everthing
He'll ye thank a for the help guys I was gonna say this but couldn't find the post thanks for the support
In settings or wut
even ticket
pl help me
i am tired of trying to find out how will i fix thisissue
What is Ur input device set to
That was my peoblem
lap mic
i got jbl headsrt tho
Try the headset then
U on windows
if u dont mind i can show u my setting through stream
that x is not getting tick
what was your issue btw
my mic doesnt work anywhere sadly
in game
i mean
i am on windows
I showed my icon but no one could hear my mic in game
Go into microphone privacy settings and turn it on
its on
Then idk sorry I can't help
i found it
found wut