how to use gradient with variables
linear-gradient(rgb(var(--main-color-1)),rgb(var(--main-color-2)) )
why this is not working
39 Replies
You'll have to give a bit more than just that one line. What's the HTML and CSS look like? Do you have a codepen to share?
background: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(var(--main-color-1)),rgb(var(--main-color-2)) );
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(var(--main-color-1)) ,rgb(var(--main-color-2)) );
background: -ms-linear-gradient(rgb(var(--main-color-1)) ,rgb(var(--main-color-2)) );}
--main-color-1:, 178, 26, 255;
--main-color-2:115, 43, 222;
normally you use something like this
just take this apart a put variables where you want
no dude i want to creat a settings box
wheere ucan change the color of the site
and the colors are all gradients
so i have to use gradients with variables
get it
Well, your
has an extra comma right at the beginningyea
i fix it
you just change the values to variables
and it's still doesn't work
shoud i send the html file?
linear-gradient(45deg, var(--main-color-1), var(--main-color-2));
and var sould be rgb instead of values?
Works just fine for me
using the
property instead of the prefix versionslet me try it
I also fixed the
erroryou can turn any part of the value into a variable
not mandatory?
I'd recommend reading the MDN docs on the topic to learn more about what is and isn't required:
just one second
let me put in codepen
bcz it doesn't work
spelling error?
it's on the left
Can you give a minimum working example? You have too much extra stuff in that pen. Makes it very difficult to know what exactly you're trying to do and where
you can't use linear-gradient in color property 😉
Also you can't RGB and RGB colour property :p
Not to mention using pixels for font size…
okay u can see now
u can check now dude
You're still trying to use linear gradient for
property, which doesn't work in CSSnow
im trying to use it in background-color
background-image not background-color
i can't use is iin background-color either?
You can use
i get it
But in your codepen nothing will be working b/c you're trying to modify
.introduction h4
but there is no .introduction
to have an h4
thank you guys
you are the best
Replace all your CSS with:
and it'll work
can i ask
one ,oe question
does anyone know a tutriol of how
to change background image of the lading page smoothly
like in fiver
You could try to inspect the code on their site. You can look in #resources and see if someone posted something similar. Otherwise I'd suggest using your favourite internet search engine and see what it can turn up