Day 5 of drawing a valorant character every day until I get a riot gun buddy
Little Jett sketch again today

7 Replies
you don't get buddies from drawing stuff but cool art
some people have gotten one that way, but that usually occurs on Twitter or another social media platform, and it's not a common method. Rioters don't really give out gunbuddies here tho (especially if you ask for one)
:riot: Riot gun buddies are intended to commemorate positive one-on-one interactions Rioters have with players, whether in game or out of game. Each Rioter has a fixed number of gun buddies they can give out to players, asking for a gun buddy in chat is disruptive and will not result in being given a gun buddy.
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Interesting thanks
still, doing this helps me get motivated to draw more
getting a riot gun buddy isnt really the end goal per say
Im just doing this to motivate myself somewhat
thats fair, i can respect that
i wish you luck :wavegif: