why did i get a diamond buddy if i hit ascendant 3
why did i get a diamond buddy if i hit ascendant 3
90 Replies

same gang 😭
this is lit bs
i know
game scam me lmao
aint no way
i better get my ascendant buddy n a riot buddy as compensation
we have evidence on riot
homie atleast u got one
ive never gotten one
everytime i try to contact and get help they do jack shit
restart ur game
n u should get it
did u win more than 9 games ?
it seems like none1 got a ascendant buddy everyone that hit it is getting diamond buddys
happened to every1
i made a ticket on the page bout it

yo same

i peaked ascendant and got play buddy
diamond buddy too
we need a compensation for it
it’s so stupid
ascendant 2
i aint taking this ammount of disrespect
and they give me plat
like i grinded for that
what rank did you finish?
so stupid bruh
i even had hella wins in ascendant lobbies

i had 200 wins in asc with peak asc 3 90 rr and got a dia buddy
this is fucked up
posted a ticket, ill give an update when they respond
this game is horrible
I hit ascendant act 2
got diamond
ill give update when they answer my ticket
this game is funy
i say for compensation we get imm buddys
i wont complain
at all
i will
i legit didnt push for immortal cause i already have immortal ones from ep 2 & 4
i just wanted the green ascendant one
for my white reaver 😭
lmao i feel that
how do you even use buddies
u equip it ?
its a charm for ur gun

right here
thanks bro
I realized something
my friend got episode 5 ascendant
because he hit it act 3
do you need to hit ascendant act 3?
no it's just a bug
this games code is stupid
bug bad
I want my ascendant buddy
any luck?
ah nvm u onl;y put that ticket in like 10 min ago huh
nothing at all @shaggy5
yup ig we just gotta wait
they will def fix it n give us our right buddy
but i did seee people
that did get their
on twitter there was a couple of people that actually got the ascendant buddy
when fix diamond buddy and give us ascendant buddy
no clue
do we get to keep our diamond buddies too as well? LOL
idk ig will have to see n wait

same bro
wtf is this

this is the only tweet ive seen
of some1 getting an ascendant buddy
happened to me as well

wat tf.
same happened to me
but i only have 1 green triangle but shouldnt matter
yeah it seems to just be a glitch
how did you even get a buddy i haven't got mine yet
some have, some havent, theyre slowly coming out lol
they said they know its a issue and are working on a fix asap. we'll get our buddies soon enough
Same here
I dont get it
it’s an error by Riot
And will be fixed later on this week or so
Did they announce this?
yes should be on Twitter if I’m sure
its a bug and valorsnt is working on it
have they fixed the ascendant buddies yet?
Bro why didnt i even get my buddy
nothing yet
This is also happened to me.

same hear tried so hard and got nothing

they gave me gold gun buddy
im asc3 @stijn87
but diamond is cooler than gold :(((
bro valorant be giving us a reality check
nun we can do bout it we just gotta wait n see til they give us our little green buddy
I hope we receive compensation for it
did anyone get it yet
nothing yet
Still nothing
im asc and got given a plat buddy 😥
gave out the correct buddies! and i even got to keep my diamond buddy 😄

Oh we get to keep the diamond buddies?
Now I just gotta wait for mine lol

its beautiful 😵💫
do i get to keep diamond gun buddy or riot still fixing?(i got ascendant but they gave me diamond but now its fixed and i got my ascendant but i still have my diamond..?)
You should be able to keep the extra buddy
Doubt they will do the work to remove the buddy they could always call it compensation lol