21 Replies
Impractical lineup
i would usually just use a different lineup to cover rafters before the first peek incase of an op'er
so i wouldnt have my smoke because it would already be on rafters
Or in mid
but in bronze-silver we all go ooga booga 5 man rush a 🤡
Honestly try for a few games defualting your wall b and smoke mid it is insane how much easier it is to manipulate wins on attack because you have so many lurk options and can stall rotates just by them not knowing where anyone is
is their any lineups for icebox b site ropes?

a one way
Smoke ,how can we do a snake bite one way ,lol
i mean is their any snakebite for that loc?
Snake bite🤔
I don't think it's possible somehow🥲
cuz if theres any lineup it can be ez round
sage can block the spike at the edge for some tym then viper can play on lineups
Better to wall defualt and plant then to do the ropes plant unless you have a lurker that won't get there in time but I am sure there is a lineup for it just search it up
@Kanak I found one from defenders spawn kitchen 🤐
oh yeah back to this i did get a one way for b ropes but i forgot it
it landed on the little ledge where the rope drops from
probably because i stopped viper
i know that one way but he needed a snakebite lineup

a little away from the star like thing in the sky
lmao i didnt read past image cuz i didnt expect a postplant there
Mostly used for the ult from kitchen