What exactly are lineups?

I’m new to the game and the term “lineup” confuses me. Can anyone explain?
13 Replies
YT ObservedSpecs
U can throw items into the air and landing it 2 ur desired location. This is what the Valo community calls a “lineup”. E.g Kay/o throws his knive from A site to B site.
chichoo ʚїɞ
but u gotta need to know where to stand and where to look to perform a lineup, or u can be like me and just make shit up and say “yeah i got lineups” then somehow get smth to work
coconut2y ago
A person lines up their util to hit a specific spot they want it to land (like if u put a viper molly on spike to avoid a defuse)
졸려2y ago
adding onto what everyone else has already said, if you overuse lineups, everyone calls you "lineup larry" :)
seol2y ago
memorizing a way to throw something precisely from one place to another, often cant be done on the fly
plane2y ago
people will call you a lineup larry anyway lmao either that or theyll use the other term cringe
smurf2y ago
Lineups are confusing and hard I’ve only level 7
garodueng2y ago
Once you get level 20 and access to comp you’ll soon become desperate enough to win that you’ll start memorizing lineups :) It’s just a phase everyone goes through
smurf2y ago
oh Tyty Im just a nun 4 now
plane2y ago
i remember my friend told me "i found a one way" and then i asked where and they pinged the window above the hookah entrance
plane2y ago
No description
plane2y ago
and they kept bugging me about it so i threw my orb up there and activated it and they said the most embarrassed "oh" ive ever heard in my life lmao
FForFail17mo ago
Crazy one way bro