Viper lineups for bind

post plant molly for showers plant
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53 Replies
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
stand here
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
for blocking u hall/lamps
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
stand here
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
POSTPLANT MOLLY for defualt/truck plant:
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
stand here
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
lineup like this
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
FPX wall (for a exec)
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
NATS WALL (for lurking into u hall, use with poison orb and double controller comp)
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
B SITE not a good site for viper defualt postplant molly
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
stand here
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
line up this
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
this is also a good exec molly CT SIDE Showers one way
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
stand here
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
aim at this
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
left click throw
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
stand here
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
ult looking at this
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
sit here in this corner (enemies cant see you)
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PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
dont forget to crouch
PRL Five
PRL Five2y ago
enemy POV
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Yaremkai2y ago
@PRL Five
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Yaremkai2y ago
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R Gaming
R Gaming2y ago
hey poison cloud is easy just see the minimap to see where it wil land
plane2y ago
excuse me what thats just for custom games
Fruitxzy2y ago
Btw bind is getting reworked.
wei2y ago
Bind is getting removed not reworked
plane2y ago
with some revamps
vine2y ago
It is? So they're bringing back Split and removing Bind?
wei2y ago
Bringing back split,removing bind AND breeze Possibly a new map will come too Since they teased it
vine2y ago
Breeze too? Yikes..
plane2y ago
viper getting an indirect nerf into oblivion
R Gaming
R Gaming2y ago
i used your poison cloud lineup and "THE BOYS" meme happened with me my cloud had gone doen *down and all 5 were there THE BOYS
Black Knight
Black Knight2y ago
Which is..?
plane2y ago
breeze and bind gone cuz theres magic in my bones
KlasClaws2y ago
Still has pearl and Icebox not to mention some teams are running double controller Viper on ascent But ya you are right Oh and split coming back is good for her
R Gaming
R Gaming2y ago
ya e ya e oo got this feeling yea u know
plane2y ago
fair, idk about ascent though, could you send me a clip or match? tbh i think riots trying to dethrone her from meta removing 2 of her maps and nerfing ult not to mention her fuel nerf way back
Kurenai2y ago
Viper is only good on bind on a double controller setup which you won’t really see commonly on comp. Brim is kinda just better on bind. Why would any team run double controller on ascent you only need to smoke two spots on each site Most teams just run omen or in some cases brimstone on ascent. Viper’s only good maps are breeze, icebox and maybe bind on a double controller setup.
plane2y ago
i queue with a brim main 😎 (but yeah i get what you mean)
KlasClaws2y ago
Navi vs fpx and team heretics vs 100t are the ones I remember off the top of my head for sure not meta but with people starting to use her she could have a place on ascent The double controller with Viper includes omen but the reason or at least why I think they use Viper is how good her post plant is on ascent and if (don't remember if they did this in the games) but if she defaulted her wall or orb Viper could lurk and Viper is also very strong on defense with mollies to stall or break up the push. Viper is good on pearl and soon to be split wdym?
Kurenai2y ago
On pearl, other controllers far outclass her and my point for viper on ascent still stands. (Like there were 3 matches where viper appeared on ascent, 95% of ascent matches is just omen, astra or brimstone.
KlasClaws2y ago
I agree with your point that most teams use Astra and omen on ascent I just said some teams are running them on ascent and wdym far outclass her sure Astra but who else far outclassed her on pearl? And she is used as double controller on pearl so Astra + Viper or something like that
Kurenai2y ago
Brimstone. And this is exactly my point Viper is only viable as a single controller on icebox and breeze. On everything else she has to be played with another controller.